
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Jody Anderson, Pasquale D’Addio, Karen Hopson, Kate Kane, Lisa & Emma Kaufmann, Leslee Kunst, The Lendrum Family,
Deb Marcou, Jennifer & Brendan Myers, Jennifer Rickman

Meet the Dark Knight Flower Farm Chickens! The flock contains 2 silkie roosters and 22 laying hens ranging in age from 8 months old to 4 years old. With many different chicken breeds, the egg colors are currently shades of green and brown. These spoiled chickens are boarded at Dakota Ridge Farm in Ballston Spa, NY and loved by so many farm visitors.

Pollyanna - Olive Egger
Named and Sponsored by Deb Marcou

Princess Rosalina - Speckled Sussex
Named and Sponsored by Emma Kaufmann

Named by the Lendrum family

Beth Dutton - Delaware

Nancy - Maran
Named by Nancy Guzik
Sponsored by Pasquale D’Addio

Ruby - Barred Plymouth Rock
Named by Pia Kellogg

Named by Dave Kellogg

Cluck Vader - Silkie Rooster
Named and Sponsored by Brendan Myers

Eleanor - Welsummer

Buff Orpington

Herb - Silkie Rooster
Named and Sponsored by Kate Kane
Sponsored by Jody Anderson

SAS (Sweet & Sour) -Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock
Named by Andrew McCulley

Cedar - Mystic Maran

Pearl - Mystic Maran

Teal - Australorp

Jade - Olive Egger

Gigi - Maran
Named by Christy Gregory
Sponsored by Pasquale D’Addio

Olivia - Cream Legbar

Bear - Blue Cochin

Goldie - Golden Buff

Blossom - Golden Buff

Godzilla - Olive Egger

Guenevere - Buff Laced Polish
Named and Sponsored by Jennifer Myers

Connie - Golden Cuckoo Maran
Named by Mike D.